Kevin Benejam is a multifaceted Artist, Designer, Evangelist, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Writer, Actor and Producer. Founder of KABEL and VESI Creative. Over the last couple of years he has accomplished much in many different industries such as fashion, marketing, film and real estate. He believes if you have a purpose it can cross many different disciplines and his purpose is always to inspire, bring people together, entertain and remain authentic in anything he does. Kevin is on this earth to serve God and share his love with the world through his son Jesus.
My Philosophy
I truly believe in order to live a fulfilled and wholesome life we should have goals and a direction in each area of our lives.
Faith & Mindset
Discipline & Habits
Career & Purpose
Health, Nutrition and Fitness
Play, Downtime & Rest
Each of these areas of our lives coincides with each other. If one area of our life fails then we will have to overcompensate that lack with another area in our lives. I have learned that success without fulfillment is empty. Another example is if I only work on my career and not work on my health or relationships, what will happen is my career will go great until I can’t work anymore because your body can’t function properly and emotionally drained because your relationships at home aren't good. You see, we have to look at life as a pie chart and make sure that each area is sufficient. Only when all areas of our life are working together is when the wheel of life can spin.
Faith. I truly believe faith and mindset is the foundation to everything. Without believing it can happen for you, then it won’t happen. If you can’t believe in yourself, then who will? We need to keep our minds set on our target and think of ourselves like God sees us. That is powerful, creative, great looking, disciplined and the list goes on. Since we are created in the image of God we can do all things through him. Jesus changed my life. You can read my store here. (Why Jesus, Why The Bible)
Discipline and Habits. This is where the rubber meets the road. We can have the right mindset, intentions and heart set but if we don’t have right habits and disciplines then our goals won’t be accomplished. My formula is discipline + Goal = Success. I have learned over the years that discipline is not so much about willpower. it’s actually having the right structure so it can make your habits and routines seamless. Meaning, if I want to loose weight I will not buy a box of cookies to leave in my cabinet, because when I am tempted you know I where I will be. Discipline is doing now what you will be happy with later. Most people in life are gamblers they keep going through life making the wrong decisions hoping they get by.
Career and Purpose. This is a huge one. Without finding what you are called on this earth to do, you will feel like your just walking through life aimless. You will feel like your sleepwalking or will have a lot of pain, and since you are not in your purpose you might need to fill your hole with other things like drugs, sex alcohol etc. Your career and purpose should be something that comes naturally to you. You are basically operating in your gift. Your gift is what you can do the best with the least amount of effort. If you combine your interests, with your values and your talents then you should be close to finding your best career. As far as purpose and calling, for me its to uplift humanity through faith.
Health Nutrition and Exercise. Without having this one in place, you can only go so far because when you feel your best then you will do your best. Most people are operating way below their potential and I believe that we are called to be the best version of ourselves every single day. If you have bad health you can’t really do much. How do I know? I had chronic fatigue for almost 4 years and during that time I accomplished a little but it’s nothing compared to what I can do. But now that I have health, I can do and be more.
Relationships. You are the average of the people you surround yourself with the most. Relationships can either bring you up or bring you down. You will either grow or decline there is no in between. In order to be successful in career, business or anything you do, you need to have the right relationships. I saw a statistic that said about 80% of jobs are hired through someone they know. As far as a mental health and spiritual standpoint, relationships can help you when you feel down and keep inspiring you during the good times.
Creativity. God is the ultimate creator and he created us. We are most like him when we are being creative. That is why being creative feels so good and is called being “inspired” which means “In Spirit” . Through creativity you can create anything you see in your mind and dreams. Once this force is channeled in a positive way, anything is truly possible. I truly believe everyone is an artist, when we were little we were always playing, dancing and creating. It was when we started growing older we are told by the world “be safe” or “you can’t do that”. What I have come to realize is that everyone who says “you can’t” only says that because they believe they cant. Their views should never reflect your reality. Because I truly believe anything is possible through hard work and discipline. So remember public opinion is not based on what you can or can’t do. The idea might seems crazy until it actually happens. Just ask Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Roger Bannister, Tom Brady and the list goes on.
Play, Downtime and Rest. We need to have time to just be. Whether its dancing with friends, traveling, taking a walk, reading listening to music or playing a game. Sleep is also vital, that is how the body repairs itself. We need to have times that to de-compress but yes I believe play time should be scheduled because if not it won’t happen or maybe you will be forced to rest because of overwork or burnout.
A masterclass on some of these topics above in in progress.
Let’s chat.
Email: Kb@kevinbenejam.com