Free Refills Of Grace EVERYDAY
We get FREE refills of GRACE every single day and every single moment no matter our performance. God will love us and keep showering us with his love. I was in church and the pastor said something so profound he said “ The best Christian is the one that can recieve God’s love” and I said that’s so true. But you don’t have to be a Christian to receive God’s love either, God will meet you wherever you are or whatever religion you follow. This is what we are called to do on this earth, TO LOVE not judge.
Jesus told Paul in the book of Corinthians “ My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness." This is means that no matter how much we accomplish, do, have our identity is in Christ not in what we have in this world. What a concept right? Our value and worth is not based on our performance, bank account, or our career. It’s in God. Lets face the truth, everything here is temporary, your career, your health, your relationships, your house, everything. The only thing that will stand the test of time is our souls which Jesus guards for us. So when people get worked up trying to do the most, like I used to do, now I know to slow down, pray and get into the pace of Grace.
What is the pace of grace? Well i’m glad you asked. It’s following the pace of God. God’s timing is perfect and is always different than our timing. That is why we should always try to be in alignment with God. Come to think about it, in my experience God’s timing is slower than the worlds that because when he does make things happen, it can change your life in one moment. Whether your waiting for that job, girlfriend or business deal to happen, many times he allows us to wait to build our strength.
I always like to look at this as a game because we are called to do great things on this earth and we get attached to our possessions, our identity in our career and even our families. But then God says our foundation should be in him alone and we should love him more than anything. So sometimes when we value things more than God, God will sometimes allow circumstances that strip our idols away from us. I know he did this to me. My health was stripped away from me and my career. Two things that identified myself with the most and when those things were gone, I didn’t know who I was for a good minute. But its true, how can I know who I am if I don’t know who God is? So for that year I was reading the bible way more, having alot of alone time with myself and God, was off social media. I had to make sure I renewed my mind to God’s will according to his purpose and not my own will or cultures. People always say to other people with whatever they believe in and consume “oh your being brainwashed” but they don’t realize is that they are being brainwashed either way, most people are being brainwashed by culture and don’t even realize it. Have you questioned your identity, why do you the things you do, why you like the things you like, why you watch the content you like or any of that lately? If not, then it would be great to reflect and reassess, most of the time, subconsciously your doing things your parents told you do that has been passed down by generations. I could go on and on but you get my point.
Either way know that God loves you no matter what you have done in the past. Today is a new day and a new opportunity to be your true authentic self and serve people through the love of God flowing through you.