Do You Have Faith? Do You Have Goals?

Do You Have Faith? Do You Have Goals? 

Jesus said he’s looking for people that have faith, not a church, not rules not religion. 

As apostle Paul says “ Not that I have already arrived at my goal but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold o me”

What is our ultimate goal? I know for me it’s to be like Jesus in every area of my life that means being holy, strategic, generous, kind, and always taking action. 

There is a quote that says if you don’t have a plan then you have a plan to fail. Many Christians, unfortunately, say “ Oh I’m going to wait on the Lord and then they go back and watch Netflix and eat a pint of ice cream” They don’t set an action plan or target, they just let it be. How do I know? I used to be one of them and was surrounded by many of those people. But I was having a conversation with my friend the other day and we were like man, look at many of the people who believe in God and love Jesus but never lived a victorious life. Why is this? To me, I think it all boils down to boldness, fear, and discipline. Fear robs people’s lives and you can’t live a victorious life in fear and have no discipline. 

I have learned yes wait on the Lord but I will wait on the Lord in the middle of every set of the gym, in between every cold call and email to acquire the business, and in the midst of setting my targets. In the middle of taking action and increasing my output, I will wait on the Lord. And many times I don’t wait I actually expect good things to happen right there and then. Like right now. You can see my favorite action verses here, but even apostle paul said you have to take advantage of every opportunity and if you don’t work you should not be able to eat! 

But I have learned it’s more about having faith and expecting! Expecting his promises to come to life. Saying every day, I wonder what miracle will happen today? I wonder how great my life will be today? Thank you in advance for using me, God! This is the type of mindset we need to have. Not the cautious “ oh God I hope you do something today” NOOO. The word was written and it's already finished. The glory and the promises of God are already finished! We already have the victory and we need to rehearse the victory every single day. 

Paul says in Philippians 3:12 

“Not that I have already obtained all of this or have arrived at my goal but I press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it but one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”

What is our goal this year? We need a goal. Life is a game and with no goal, there is no purpose in playing. Whether it’s to lose 10 pounds, start a business, increase our income. A goal will keep us on the path to action and on the right road. Like Andrew Carnegie said without a goal we become drifters. And many people live that way. Imagine you show up to a baseball game and there were no runs scored. Imagine if you were at a soccer game and there were no goals on each side of the field and the players are just kicking the ball around, that is how you live your life without a goal! At the minimum, if you don’t know what you want in life at least makes it your goal to be the best version of yourself and like Jesus. Be kind, help people, be disciplined in your thoughts, think right towards people, and if you have a job be the best employee of all time. 

God does not want us to drift, he wants us to have a goal, something to aim for, and a vision. As it says in the bible, without vision people perish. Put that vision in front of us and work towards it, every single day. Straining and pressing towards the mark. Now obviously your goal does not always have to be financial or even career-related. It could be to stop gossiping, starting volunteering a certain amount of times per week but what I have learned is that everything is connected and if we don’t have a goal or at least a direction for every single area of our lives it will be lead astray and that part of our lives will drift. When one area of our lives becomes diminished then all our other areas need to overcompensate for the low levels of the other area. 

Just like when we have weakness in the body, for example, if I have a weak left knee that might mean that my thigh or my ankle needs to start doing extra work which can result in an injury of my ankle or overuse of my thigh or hamstring. Another example is if I only work on my career and not work on my health or relationships, what will happen is my career will go good up to a point when I can’t work anymore because my body can’t function properly because I am sick and I am also emotionally drained because my relationships at home aren't good. You see, we have to look at life as a pie chart and make sure that each area is sufficient. Only when all areas of our life are working together is when the wheel of life can spin.

But I will leave you with this, you don’t have to be perfect to be used by God. God equips the called and calls the equipped. He does both, the more prepared you are for an opportunity the easier it is for you to take advantage of it. 

Success is opportunity + preparation. 


God wants us to be successful. In Genesis, it says “ Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may RULE over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and overall the creatures that move along the ground.” God called us to RULE and DOMINATE.

Action steps: Don’t make this complicated, take out a blank paper and write your top 3 goals for this year. And then write what you have to do daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly to achieve them. Lastly, write a date or deadline when you will achieve this goal. And work on it EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Are you ready to dominate 2021? LET’S GO 



Contact me for any prayer requests.